
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/CatalyticActivity


An index of the actual or potential activity of a catalyst. The catalytic activity of an enzyme or an enzyme-containing preparation is defined as the property measured by the increase in the rate of conversion of a specified chemical reaction that the enzyme produces in a specified assay system. Catalytic activity is an extensive quantity and is a property of the enzyme, not of the reaction mixture; it is thus conceptually different from rate of conversion although measured by and equidimensional with it. The unit for catalytic activity is the $katal$; it may also be expressed in mol $s^{-1}$. Dimensions: $N T^{-1}$. Former terms such as catalytic ability, catalytic amount, and enzymic activity are no er recommended. Derived quantities are molar catalytic activity, specific catalytic activity, and catalytic activity concentration. Source(s): www.answers.com

Applicable units are those of quantitykind:CatalyticActivity
An index of the actual or potential activity of a catalyst. The catalytic activity of an enzyme or an enzyme-containing preparation is defined as the property measured by the increase in the rate of conversion of a specified chemical reaction that the enzyme produces in a specified assay system. Catalytic activity is an extensive quantity and is a property of the enzyme, not of the reaction mixture; it is thus conceptually different from rate of conversion although measured by and equidimensional with it. The unit for catalytic activity is the $katal$; it may also be expressed in mol $s^{-1}$. Dimensions: $N T^{-1}$. Former terms such as catalytic ability, catalytic amount, and enzymic activity are no er recommended. Derived quantities are molar catalytic activity, specific catalytic activity, and catalytic activity concentration. Source(s): www.answers.com
Catalytic Activity(en)
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Work in progress

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    <j.1:description rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString">An index of the actual or potential activity of a catalyst. The catalytic activity of an enzyme or an enzyme-containing preparation is defined as the property measured by the increase in the rate of conversion of a specified chemical reaction that the enzyme produces in a specified assay system. Catalytic activity is an extensive quantity and is a property of the enzyme, not of the reaction mixture; it is thus conceptually different from rate of conversion although measured by and equidimensional with it. The unit for catalytic activity is the $katal$; it may also be expressed in mol $s^{-1}$. Dimensions: $N T^{-1}$. Former terms such as catalytic ability, catalytic amount, and enzymic activity are no er recommended. Derived quantities are molar catalytic activity, specific catalytic activity, and catalytic activity concentration. Source(s): &lt;a href="http://www.answers.com/topic/catalytic-activity-biochemistry"&gt;www.answers.com&lt;/a&gt;</j.1:description>
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    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Catalytic Activity</rdfs:label>
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  rdfs:comment "Applicable units are those of quantitykind:CatalyticActivity" ;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/quantitykind> ;
  rdfs:label "Catalytic Activity"@en ;
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 ,"properties":["Individual from SI Reference Point":"si-quantity:CATA" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:ENZ" 
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    ,"applicable unit":"unit:KiloMOL-PER-HR" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:MOL_LB-PER-MIN" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:MOL_LB-PER-SEC" 
    ,"comment":"Applicable units are those of quantitykind:CatalyticActivity" 
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    ,"description":"An index of the actual or potential activity of a catalyst. The catalytic activity of an enzyme or an enzyme-containing preparation is defined as the property measured by the increase in the rate of conversion of a specified chemical reaction that the enzyme produces in a specified assay system. Catalytic activity is an extensive quantity and is a property of the enzyme, not of the reaction mixture; it is thus conceptually different from rate of conversion although measured by and equidimensional with it. The unit for catalytic activity is the $katal$; it may also be expressed in mol $s^{-1}$. Dimensions: $N T^{-1}$. Former terms such as catalytic ability, catalytic amount, and enzymic activity are no er recommended. Derived quantities are molar catalytic activity, specific catalytic activity, and catalytic activity concentration. Source(s): &lt;a href=\"http:\/\/www.answers.com\/topic\/catalytic-activity-biochemistry\"&gt;www.answers.com&lt;\/a&gt;" 
    ,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A1E0L0I0M0H0T-1D0" 
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