View as:
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<j.1:description rdf:datatype="">Energy expenditure is dependent on a person's sex, metabolic rate, body-mass composition, the thermic effects of food, and activity level. The approximate energy expenditure of a man lying in bed is $1.0\,kilo\,calorie\,per\,hour\,per\,kilogram$. For slow walking (just over two miles per hour), $3.0\,kilo\,calorie\,per\,hour\,per\,kilogram$. For fast steady running (about 10 miles per hour), $16.3\,kilo\,calorie\,per\,hour\,per\,kilogram$.
Females expend about 10 per cent less energy than males of the same size doing a comparable activity. For people weighing the same, individuals with a high percentage of body fat usually expend less energy than lean people, because fat is not as metabolically active as muscle.</j.1:description>
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<> """Energy expenditure is dependent on a person's sex, metabolic rate, body-mass composition, the thermic effects of food, and activity level. The approximate energy expenditure of a man lying in bed is $1.0\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$. For slow walking (just over two miles per hour), $3.0\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$. For fast steady running (about 10 miles per hour), $16.3\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$.
Females expend about 10 per cent less energy than males of the same size doing a comparable activity. For people weighing the same, individuals with a high percentage of body fat usually expend less energy than lean people, because fat is not as metabolically active as muscle."""^^<> ;
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{"resource":"Energy Expenditure"
,"properties":["description":"Energy expenditure is dependent on a person's sex, metabolic rate, body-mass composition, the thermic effects of food, and activity level. The approximate energy expenditure of a man lying in bed is $1.0\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$. For slow walking (just over two miles per hour), $3.0\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$. For fast steady running (about 10 miles per hour), $16.3\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$.\nFemales expend about 10 per cent less energy than males of the same size doing a comparable activity. For people weighing the same, individuals with a high percentage of body fat usually expend less energy than lean people, because fat is not as metabolically active as muscle."
,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L2I0M1H0T-3D0"
,"informative reference":"http:\/\/\/display\/10.1093\/acref\/9780198631477.001.0001\/acref-9780198631477-e-594"
,"label":"Energy Expenditure"
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "",
"description" : "Energy expenditure is dependent on a person's sex, metabolic rate, body-mass composition, the thermic effects of food, and activity level. The approximate energy expenditure of a man lying in bed is $1.0\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$. For slow walking (just over two miles per hour), $3.0\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$. For fast steady running (about 10 miles per hour), $16.3\\,kilo\\,calorie\\,per\\,hour\\,per\\,kilogram$.\nFemales expend about 10 per cent less energy than males of the same size doing a comparable activity. For people weighing the same, individuals with a high percentage of body fat usually expend less energy than lean people, because fat is not as metabolically active as muscle.",
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"@value" : "Energy Expenditure"
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