
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagnetomotiveForce


$\text{Magnetomotive Force}$, also referred to as ($mmf$), is the ability of an electric circuit to produce magnetic flux. Just as the ability of a battery to produce electric current is called its electromotive force or emf, mmf is taken as the work required to move a unit magnet pole from any point through any path which links the electric circuit back the same point in the presence of the magnetic force produced by the electric current in the circuit. $\text{Magnetomotive Force}$ is the scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.

$F_m = \oint \mathbf{H} \cdot dr$, where $\mathbf{H}$ is magnetic field strength and $r$ is position vector along a given curve $C$ from point $a$ to point $b$.
Applicable units are those of quantitykind:MagnetomotiveForce
$\text{Magnetomotive Force}$, also referred to as ($mmf$), is the ability of an electric circuit to produce magnetic flux. Just as the ability of a battery to produce electric current is called its electromotive force or emf, mmf is taken as the work required to move a unit magnet pole from any point through any path which links the electric circuit back the same point in the presence of the magnetic force produced by the electric current in the circuit. $\text{Magnetomotive Force}$ is the scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.
Magnetomotive Force(en)
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Work in progress

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$\text{Magnetomotive Force}$, also referred to as ($mmf$), is the ability of an electric circuit to produce magnetic flux. 
  Just as the ability of a battery to produce electric current is called its electromotive force 
  or emf, mmf is taken as the work required to move a unit magnet pole from any point through any path 
  which links the electric circuit back the same point in the presence of the magnetic force produced 
  by the electric current in the circuit. 
$\text{Magnetomotive Force}$ is the scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.
    <j.0:applicableUnit rdf:resource="http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/TeraA"/>
    <j.0:latexDefinition rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString">$F_m = \oint \mathbf{H} \cdot dr$, where $\mathbf{H}$ is magnetic field strength and $r$ is position vector along a given curve $C$ from point $a$ to point $b$.</j.0:latexDefinition>
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$\\text{Magnetomotive Force}$, also referred to as ($mmf$), is the ability of an electric circuit to produce magnetic flux. 
  Just as the ability of a battery to produce electric current is called its electromotive force 
  or emf, mmf is taken as the work required to move a unit magnet pole from any point through any path 
  which links the electric circuit back the same point in the presence of the magnetic force produced 
  by the electric current in the circuit. 
$\\text{Magnetomotive Force}$ is the scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.
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  <http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/latexDefinition> "$F_m = \\oint \\mathbf{H} \\cdot dr$, where $\\mathbf{H}$ is magnetic field strength and $r$ is position vector along a given curve $C$ from point $a$ to point $b$."^^<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString> ;
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  rdfs:label "Magnetomotive Force"@en ;
  rdfs:seeAlso <http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/MagneticFieldStrength_H> ;
{"resource":"Magnetomotive Force" 
 ,"properties":["applicable unit":"unit:A" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:AT" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:AttoA" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:FemtoA" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:GI" 
    ,"applicable unit":"unit:GigaA" 
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    ,"comment":"Applicable units are those of quantitykind:MagnetomotiveForce" 
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    ,"description":"\n$\\text{Magnetomotive Force}$, also referred to as ($mmf$), is the ability of an electric circuit to produce magnetic flux. \n  Just as the ability of a battery to produce electric current is called its electromotive force \n  or emf, mmf is taken as the work required to move a unit magnet pole from any point through any path \n  which links the electric circuit back the same point in the presence of the magnetic force produced \n  by the electric current in the circuit. \n$\\text{Magnetomotive Force}$ is the scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.\n  " 
    ,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E1L0I0M0H0T0D0" 
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    ,"informative reference":"http:\/\/www.iso.org\/iso\/home\/store\/catalogue_tc\/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=31891" 
    ,"label":"Magnetomotive Force" 
    ,"latex definition":"$F_m = \\oint \\mathbf{H} \\cdot dr$, where $\\mathbf{H}$ is magnetic field strength and $r$ is position vector along a given curve $C$ from point $a$ to point $b$." 
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  "description" : "\n$\\text{Magnetomotive Force}$, also referred to as ($mmf$), is the ability of an electric circuit to produce magnetic flux. \n  Just as the ability of a battery to produce electric current is called its electromotive force \n  or emf, mmf is taken as the work required to move a unit magnet pole from any point through any path \n  which links the electric circuit back the same point in the presence of the magnetic force produced \n  by the electric current in the circuit. \n$\\text{Magnetomotive Force}$ is the scalar line integral of the magnetic field strength along a closed path.\n  ",
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  "latexDefinition" : "$F_m = \\oint \\mathbf{H} \\cdot dr$, where $\\mathbf{H}$ is magnetic field strength and $r$ is position vector along a given curve $C$ from point $a$ to point $b$.",
  "latexSymbol" : "$F_m $",
  "comment" : "Applicable units are those of quantitykind:MagnetomotiveForce",
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  "label" : {
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    "@value" : "Magnetomotive Force"
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