
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/BAR


The $\textit{bar}$ is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to $100,000\,Pa$. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to $100,000\,Pa = 1 \,bar \approx 750.0616827\, Torr$. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: $Mbar$), kilobar (symbol: $kbar$), decibar (symbol: $dbar$), centibar (symbol: $cbar$), and millibar (symbol: $mbar$ or $mb$). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.

The $\textit{bar}$ is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal to $100,000\,Pa$. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982 the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be harmonized to $100,000\,Pa = 1 \,bar \approx 750.0616827\, Torr$. Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: $Mbar$), kilobar (symbol: $kbar$), decibar (symbol: $dbar$), centibar (symbol: $cbar$), and millibar (symbol: $mbar$ or $mb$). They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.
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Work in progress

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  The $\textit{bar}$ is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal
   to $100,000\,Pa$. 
  It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982
   the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be
   harmonized to $100,000\,Pa = 1 \,bar \approx 750.0616827\, Torr$. 
  Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: $Mbar$), kilobar (symbol: $kbar$),
   decibar (symbol: $dbar$), centibar (symbol: $cbar$), and millibar (symbol: $mbar$ or $mb$). 
  They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.
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  The $\\textit{bar}$ is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal
   to $100,000\\,Pa$. 
  It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982
   the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be
   harmonized to $100,000\\,Pa = 1 \\,bar \\approx 750.0616827\\, Torr$. 
  Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: $Mbar$), kilobar (symbol: $kbar$),
   decibar (symbol: $dbar$), centibar (symbol: $cbar$), and millibar (symbol: $mbar$ or $mb$). 
  They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.
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  rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://qudt.org/2.1/vocab/unit> ;
  rdfs:label "Bar"@en ;
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    ,"description":"\n  The $\\textit{bar}$ is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal\n   to $100,000\\,Pa$. \n  It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982\n   the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be\n   harmonized to $100,000\\,Pa = 1 \\,bar \\approx 750.0616827\\, Torr$. \n  Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: $Mbar$), kilobar (symbol: $kbar$),\n   decibar (symbol: $dbar$), centibar (symbol: $cbar$), and millibar (symbol: $mbar$ or $mb$). \n  They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.\n  " 
    ,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L-1I0M1H0T-2D0" 
    ,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:ForcePerArea" 
    ,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:VaporPressure" 
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    ,"informative reference":"http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bar_(unit)" 
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  "@type" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/Unit",
  "description" : "\n  The $\\textit{bar}$ is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined by the IUPAC as exactly equal\n   to $100,000\\,Pa$. \n  It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level, and since 1982\n   the IUPAC has recommended that the standard for atmospheric pressure should be\n   harmonized to $100,000\\,Pa = 1 \\,bar \\approx 750.0616827\\, Torr$. \n  Units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: $Mbar$), kilobar (symbol: $kbar$),\n   decibar (symbol: $dbar$), centibar (symbol: $cbar$), and millibar (symbol: $mbar$ or $mb$). \n  They are not SI or cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI.\n  ",
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