
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/NP


The neper is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities, such as gain and loss of electronic signals. It has the unit symbol Np. The unit's name is derived from the name of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms. As is the case for the decibel and bel, the neper is not a unit in the International System of Units (SI), but it is accepted for use alongside the SI. Like the decibel, the neper is a unit in a logarithmic scale. While the bel uses the decadic (base-10) logarithm to compute ratios, the neper uses the natural logarithm, based on Euler's number

The neper is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities, such as gain and loss of electronic signals. It has the unit symbol Np. The unit's name is derived from the name of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms. As is the case for the decibel and bel, the neper is not a unit in the International System of Units (SI), but it is accepted for use alongside the SI. Like the decibel, the neper is a unit in a logarithmic scale. While the bel uses the decadic (base-10) logarithm to compute ratios, the neper uses the natural logarithm, based on Euler's number
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    <j.0:informativeReference rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI">https://cdd.iec.ch/cdd/iec62720/iec62720.nsf/Units/0112-2---62720%23UAA253</j.0:informativeReference>
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    ,"description":"The neper is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities, such as gain and loss of electronic signals. It has the unit symbol Np. The unit's name is derived from the name of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms. As is the case for the decibel and bel, the neper is not a unit in the International System of Units (SI), but it is accepted for use alongside the SI. Like the decibel, the neper is a unit in a logarithmic scale. While the bel uses the decadic (base-10) logarithm to compute ratios, the neper uses the natural logarithm, based on Euler's number" 
    ,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L0I0M0H0T0D1" 
    ,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:Dimensionless" 
    ,"iec-61360 code":"0112\/2\/\/\/62720#UAA253" 
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    ,"ucum code":"Np" 
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  "description" : "The neper is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities, such as gain and loss of electronic signals. It has the unit symbol Np. The unit's name is derived from the name of John Napier, the inventor of logarithms. As is the case for the decibel and bel, the neper is not a unit in the International System of Units (SI), but it is accepted for use alongside the SI. Like the decibel, the neper is a unit in a logarithmic scale. While the bel uses the decadic (base-10) logarithm to compute ratios, the neper uses the natural logarithm, based on Euler's number",
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