
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PCA


A pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of measure. Notably, Adobe PostScript promoted the pica unit of measure that is the standard in contemporary printing, as in home computers and printers. Usually, pica measurements are represented with an upper-case 'P' with an upper-right-to-lower-left virgule (slash) starting in the upper right portion of the 'P' and ending at the lower left of the upright portion of the 'P'; essentially drawing a virgule (/) through a 'P'. Note that these definitions are different from a typewriter's pica setting, which denotes a type size of ten characters per horizontal inch.

A pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of measure. Notably, Adobe PostScript promoted the pica unit of measure that is the standard in contemporary printing, as in home computers and printers. Usually, pica measurements are represented with an upper-case 'P' with an upper-right-to-lower-left virgule (slash) starting in the upper right portion of the 'P' and ending at the lower left of the upright portion of the 'P'; essentially drawing a virgule (/) through a 'P'. Note that these definitions are different from a typewriter's pica setting, which denotes a type size of ten characters per horizontal inch.
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    <j.1:description rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#HTML">A pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of measure. Notably, Adobe PostScript promoted the pica unit of measure that is the standard in contemporary printing, as in home computers and printers. Usually, pica measurements are represented with an upper-case 'P' with an upper-right-to-lower-left virgule (slash) starting in the upper right portion of the 'P' and ending at the lower left of the upright portion of the 'P'; essentially drawing a virgule (/) through a 'P'.  Note that these definitions are different from a typewriter's pica setting, which denotes a type size of ten characters per horizontal inch.</j.1:description>
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    ,"description":"A pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1\/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1\/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of measure. Notably, Adobe PostScript promoted the pica unit of measure that is the standard in contemporary printing, as in home computers and printers. Usually, pica measurements are represented with an upper-case 'P' with an upper-right-to-lower-left virgule (slash) starting in the upper right portion of the 'P' and ending at the lower left of the upright portion of the 'P'; essentially drawing a virgule (\/) through a 'P'.  Note that these definitions are different from a typewriter's pica setting, which denotes a type size of ten characters per horizontal inch." 
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  "description" : "A pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to 1/72 of its respective foot, and therefore to 1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of measure. Notably, Adobe PostScript promoted the pica unit of measure that is the standard in contemporary printing, as in home computers and printers. Usually, pica measurements are represented with an upper-case 'P' with an upper-right-to-lower-left virgule (slash) starting in the upper right portion of the 'P' and ending at the lower left of the upright portion of the 'P'; essentially drawing a virgule (/) through a 'P'.  Note that these definitions are different from a typewriter's pica setting, which denotes a type size of ten characters per horizontal inch.",
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