URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERMITTIVITY_REL


The $\textit{relative permittivity}$ of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, relative to that stored in a vacuum. Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization $P$ relative to $E$ and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium. $$\epsilon_r(w) = \frac{\epsilon(w)}{\epsilon_O}$$, where $\epsilon_r(w)$ is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material, and $\epsilon_O$ is the vacuum permittivity.

The $\textit{relative permittivity}$ of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, relative to that stored in a vacuum. Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization $P$ relative to $E$ and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium. $$\epsilon_r(w) = \frac{\epsilon(w)}{\epsilon_O}$$, where $\epsilon_r(w)$ is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material, and $\epsilon_O$ is the vacuum permittivity.
Relative Permittivity(en)
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  The $\textit{relative permittivity}$ of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. 
  In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, 
  relative to that stored in a vacuum. 
  Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. 
  Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. 
  The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization $P$ relative to $E$ and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium.
  $$\epsilon_r(w) = \frac{\epsilon(w)}{\epsilon_O}$$,
   where $\epsilon_r(w)$ is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material,
    and $\epsilon_O$ is the vacuum permittivity.
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  The $\\textit{relative permittivity}$ of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. 
  In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, 
  relative to that stored in a vacuum. 
  Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. 
  Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. 
  The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization $P$ relative to $E$ and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium.
  $$\\epsilon_r(w) = \\frac{\\epsilon(w)}{\\epsilon_O}$$,
   where $\\epsilon_r(w)$ is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material,
    and $\\epsilon_O$ is the vacuum permittivity.
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    ,"description":"\n  The $\\textit{relative permittivity}$ of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. \n  In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, \n  relative to that stored in a vacuum. \n  Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. \n  Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. \n  The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization $P$ relative to $E$ and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium.\n  $$\\epsilon_r(w) = \\frac{\\epsilon(w)}{\\epsilon_O}$$,\n   where $\\epsilon_r(w)$ is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material,\n    and $\\epsilon_O$ is the vacuum permittivity.\n  " 
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  "description" : "\n  The $\\textit{relative permittivity}$ of a material under given conditions reflects the extent to which it concentrates electrostatic lines of flux. \n  In technical terms, it is the ratio of the amount of electrical energy stored in a material by an applied voltage, \n  relative to that stored in a vacuum. \n  Likewise, it is also the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor using that material as a dielectric, compared to a similar capacitor that has a vacuum as its dielectric. \n  Relative permittivity is a dimensionless number that is in general complex. \n  The imaginary portion of the permittivity corresponds to a phase shift of the polarization $P$ relative to $E$ and leads to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves passing through the medium.\n  $$\\epsilon_r(w) = \\frac{\\epsilon(w)}{\\epsilon_O}$$,\n   where $\\epsilon_r(w)$ is the complex frequency-dependent absolute permittivity of the material,\n    and $\\epsilon_O$ is the vacuum permittivity.\n  ",
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