
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-M2


$\textit{Volt per Square Metre}$ is the divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. $\textit{Electric field}$ ($V/m$) differentiated with respect to distance ($m$) yields $V/(m^2)$.

$\textit{Volt per Square Metre}$ is the divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. $\textit{Electric field}$ ($V/m$) differentiated with respect to distance ($m$) yields $V/(m^2)$.
$V m^{-2}$
Volt per Square Meter(en-US)
Volt per Square Metre(en)
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Work in progress

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    <j.0:expression rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString">$V m^{-2}$</j.0:expression>
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  $\textit{Volt per Square Metre}$ is the divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. 
  Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. 
  $\textit{Electric field}$ ($V/m$) differentiated with respect to distance ($m$) yields $V/(m^2)$.
    <j.0:ucumCode rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/UCUMcs">V.m-2</j.0:ucumCode>
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    <j.0:hasQuantityKind rdf:resource="http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyPerAreaElectricCharge"/>
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  $\\textit{Volt per Square Metre}$ is the divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. 
  Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. 
  $\\textit{Electric field}$ ($V/m$) differentiated with respect to distance ($m$) yields $V/(m^2)$.
  """^^<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString> ;
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  <http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/applicableSystem> <http://qudt.org/vocab/sou/SI> ;
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  rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/unit> ;
  rdfs:label "Volt per Square Meter"@en-US ;
  rdfs:label "Volt per Square Metre"@en ;
{"resource":"Volt per Square Metre" 
 ,"properties":["applicable system":"sou:CGS-EMU" 
    ,"applicable system":"sou:CGS-GAUSS" 
    ,"applicable system":"sou:SI" 
    ,"conversion multiplier":"1.0" 
    ,"conversion multiplier scientific":"1.0E0" 
    ,"description":"\n  $\\textit{Volt per Square Metre}$ is the divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. \n  Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. \n  $\\textit{Electric field}$ ($V\/m$) differentiated with respect to distance ($m$) yields $V\/(m^2)$.\n  " 
    ,"expression":"$V m^{-2}$" 
    ,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E-1L0I0M1H0T-3D0" 
    ,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:EnergyPerAreaElectricCharge" 
    ,"is coherent derived unit of system":"sou:SI" 
    ,"label":"Volt per Square Meter" 
    ,"label":"Volt per Square Metre" 
    ,"ucum code":"V.m-2" 
  "@id" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/V-PER-M2",
  "@type" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/Unit",
  "description" : "\n  $\\textit{Volt per Square Metre}$ is the divergence at a particular point in a vector field is (roughly) how much the vector field 'spreads out' from that point. \n  Operationally, we take the partial derivative of each of the field with respect to each of its space variables and add all the derivatives together to get the divergence. \n  $\\textit{Electric field}$ ($V/m$) differentiated with respect to distance ($m$) yields $V/(m^2)$.\n  ",
  "applicableSystem" : [ "http://qudt.org/vocab/sou/CGS-GAUSS", "http://qudt.org/vocab/sou/SI", "http://qudt.org/vocab/sou/CGS-EMU" ],
  "conversionMultiplier" : "1.0",
  "conversionMultiplier:SN" : 1.0,
  "derivedCoherentUnitOfSystem" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/sou/SI",
  "expression" : "$V m^{-2}$",
  "hasDimensionVector" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/dimensionvector/A0E-1L0I0M1H0T-3D0",
  "hasQuantityKind" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/EnergyPerAreaElectricCharge",
  "symbol" : "V/m²",
  "ucumCode" : "V.m-2",
  "isDefinedBy" : "http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/unit",
  "label" : [ {
    "@language" : "en",
    "@value" : "Volt per Square Metre"
  }, {
    "@language" : "en-us",
    "@value" : "Volt per Square Meter"
  } ],
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      "@type" : "@id"
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