
URI: http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/uneceCommonCode


The UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade.

The UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade.
unece common code
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Work in progress

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    <j.0:description rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#HTML">The UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade.</j.0:description>
    <j.0:source rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI">https://service.unece.org/trade/uncefact/vocabulary/rec20/</j.0:source>
    <j.0:source rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI">https://unece.org/trade/documents/2021/06/uncefact-rec20-0</j.0:source>
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 ,"properties":["description":"The UN\/CEFACT Recommendation 20 provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume\/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and\/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade." 
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  "description" : "The UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade. The codes are intended for use in manual and/or automated systems for the exchange of information between participants in international trade.",
  "source" : [ "https://service.unece.org/trade/uncefact/vocabulary/rec20/", "https://unece.org/trade/documents/2021/06/uncefact-rec20-0" ],
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