
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/Gs


The $gauss$, abbreviated as $G$, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field $B$, which is also known as the "magnetic flux density" or the "magnetic induction". One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals $10^{-4} tesla$ (or $100 micro T$). The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, but it is subdivided, with $1 gauss = 105 gamma$. This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the $\textit{abtesla}$.

The $gauss$, abbreviated as $G$, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field $B$, which is also known as the "magnetic flux density" or the "magnetic induction". One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals $10^{-4} tesla$ (or $100 micro T$). The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, but it is subdivided, with $1 gauss = 105 gamma$. This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the $\textit{abtesla}$.
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  The $gauss$, abbreviated as $G$, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field $B$, 
  which is also known as the "magnetic flux density" or the "magnetic induction".  
  One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals $10^{-4} tesla$ (or $100 micro T$). 
  The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, 
  it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. 
  The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, 
  but it is subdivided, with $1 gauss = 105 gamma$. 
  This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the $\textit{abtesla}$.
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    <j.0:informativeReference rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI">http://www.diracdelta.co.uk/science/source/g/a/gauss/source.html</j.0:informativeReference>
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  The $gauss$, abbreviated as $G$, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field $B$, 
  which is also known as the \"magnetic flux density\" or the \"magnetic induction\".  
  One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals $10^{-4} tesla$ (or $100 micro T$). 
  The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, 
  it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. 
  The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, 
  but it is subdivided, with $1 gauss = 105 gamma$. 
  This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the $\\textit{abtesla}$.
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 ,"properties":["applicable system":"sou:CGS" 
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    ,"description":"\n  The $gauss$, abbreviated as $G$, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field $B$, \n  which is also known as the \"magnetic flux density\" or the \"magnetic induction\".  \n  One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals $10^{-4} tesla$ (or $100 micro T$). \n  The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, \n  it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. \n  The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, \n  but it is subdivided, with $1 gauss = 105 gamma$. \n  This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the $\\textit{abtesla}$.\n  " 
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  "description" : "\n  The $gauss$, abbreviated as $G$, is the cgs unit of measurement of a magnetic field $B$, \n  which is also known as the \"magnetic flux density\" or the \"magnetic induction\".  \n  One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals $10^{-4} tesla$ (or $100 micro T$). \n  The Gauss is identical to maxwells per square centimetre; technically defined in a three-dimensional system, \n  it corresponds in the SI, with its extra base unit the ampere. \n  The gauss is quite small by earthly standards, 1 Gs being only about four times Earth's flux density, \n  but it is subdivided, with $1 gauss = 105 gamma$. \n  This unit of magnetic induction is also known as the $\\textit{abtesla}$.\n  ",
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