QUDT Dimension Vectors Version 3.0.0

This version:

Latest published version: http://www.qudt.org/doc/2025/02/DOC_VOCAB-DIMENSION-VECTORS.html

Previous published version: https://qudt.org/doc/2025/01/DOC_VOCAB-DIMENSION-VECTORS.html

Editor: Ralph Hodgson, TopQuadrant, Inc

Contributors: Jack Hodges, Steve Ray

Last Modified: 2025-02-13T14:15:36Z

Copyright © 2011 - 2025 qudt.org , All Rights Reserved.

Generated by SWP using lmdoc version 1.1


QUDT Dimension Vectors is a vocabulary that extends QUDT Quantity Kinds with properties that support dimensional analysis. There is one dimension vector for each of the system's base quantity kinds. The vector's magnitude determines the exponent of the base dimension for the referenced quantity kind

Provides the set of all dimension vectors

The namespace prefix for resources in this ontology is: qkdv

The vocabulary graph is available as: Turtle

Table of Contents

  1. Resource Index
    1. Imported Graphs
    2. Non-imported Resources
  2. Resource Details
    1. Classes
    2. Properties
    3. Instances

Imported Graphs

A list of graphs imported by http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/dimensionvector is shown below.

Graph URIIntent

Non-imported Resources

The graph uses 17 resources from other graphs that are not imported, as listed below:

Resource Index

The main namespace for resources in this graph is http://qudt.org/vocab/dimensionvector/ with the prefix qkdv.


No Classes defined in this graph


No Properties defined in this graph


The graph defines, or extends, 278 instances, as indexed below:

 [QUDT Dimension Vector Vocabulary Metadata Version 3.0.0] 

Restricted Datatypes

No restricted datatypes defined in this graph

Generated 2025-02-13T16:35:05.006-05:00 by lmdoc version 1.1 with  TopBraid SPARQL Web Pages (SWP)