View as:
xmlns:xsd="" >
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<j.1:description>the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1</j.1:description>
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<j.0:plainTextDescription>the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material. Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1</j.0:plainTextDescription>
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<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Biogeochemical Rate</rdfs:label>
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<> "the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1" ;
<> <> ;
<> "the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material. Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1" ;
<> <> ;
<> <> ;
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rdfs:label "Biogeochemical Rate"@en ;
{"resource":"Biogeochemical Rate"
,"properties":["denominator dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L0I0M1H0T1D0"
,"description":"the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1"
,"description (plain text)":"the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material. Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1"
,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A1E0L0I0M-1H0T-1D0"
,"label":"Biogeochemical Rate"
,"numerator dimension vector":"dimension:A1E0L0I0M0H0T0D0"
"@id" : "",
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"description" : "the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1",
"hasDimensionVector" : "",
"plainTextDescription" : "the rate at which a specific chemical element or compound is processed or transformed, as amount per unit mass of the relevant material. Unreduced, SI unit is mole * kg-1 * s-1",
"qkdvDenominator" : "",
"qkdvNumerator" : "",
"isDefinedBy" : "",
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"@value" : "Biogeochemical Rate"
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"plainTextDescription" : {
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"@type" : "@id"
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"@type" : "@id"
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