xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" >
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricPolarizability">
<j.0:hasDimensionVector rdf:resource="http://qudt.org/vocab/dimensionvector/A-1E0L2I0M1H0T-2D0"/>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="ms">Kepengkutuban elektrik</rdfs:label>
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/QuantityKind"/>
<j.0:latexSymbol rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString">$\alpha$</j.0:latexSymbol>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="de">elektrische Polarisierbarkeit</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="es">Polarizabilidad</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="fa">قطبیت پذیری الکتریکی</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">electric polarizability</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="ja">分極率</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="tr">Kutuplanabilirlik</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="pl">Polaryzowalność</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">Polarisabilité</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="pt">polarizabilidade</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="zh">極化性</rdfs:label>
<j.1:description rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString">"Electric Polarizability" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole.</j.1:description>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="it">polarizzabilità elettrica</rdfs:label>
<j.0:latexDefinition rdf:datatype="http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString">$\alpha_{i,j} = \frac{\partial p_i}{\partial E_j}$, where $p_i$ is the cartesian component along the $i-axis$ of the electric dipole moment induced by the applied electric field strength acting on the molecule, and $E_j$ is the component along the $j-axis$ of this electric field strength.</j.0:latexDefinition>
<j.0:applicableUnit rdf:resource="http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-MOL"/>
<j.0:informativeReference rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarizability</j.0:informativeReference>
<rdfs:comment>Applicable units are those of quantitykind:ElectricPolarizability</rdfs:comment>
<j.0:plainTextDescription>"Electric Polarizability" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole.</j.0:plainTextDescription>
<j.0:isoNormativeReference rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI">http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31894</j.0:isoNormativeReference>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="cs">Polarizovatelnost</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="ru">Поляризуемость</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/quantitykind"/>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="ar">قابلية استقطاب</rdfs:label>
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
rdf:type <http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/QuantityKind> ;
<http://purl.org/dc/terms/description> "\"Electric Polarizability\" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole."^^<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString> ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/applicableUnit> <http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-MOL> ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/hasDimensionVector> <http://qudt.org/vocab/dimensionvector/A-1E0L2I0M1H0T-2D0> ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/informativeReference> "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarizability"^^xsd:anyURI ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/isoNormativeReference> "http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31894"^^xsd:anyURI ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/latexDefinition> "$\\alpha_{i,j} = \\frac{\\partial p_i}{\\partial E_j}$, where $p_i$ is the cartesian component along the $i-axis$ of the electric dipole moment induced by the applied electric field strength acting on the molecule, and $E_j$ is the component along the $j-axis$ of this electric field strength."^^<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString> ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/latexSymbol> "$\\alpha$"^^<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString> ;
<http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/plainTextDescription> "\"Electric Polarizability\" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole." ;
rdfs:comment "Applicable units are those of quantitykind:ElectricPolarizability" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/quantitykind> ;
rdfs:label "Kepengkutuban elektrik"@ms ;
rdfs:label "Kutuplanabilirlik"@tr ;
rdfs:label "Polarisabilité"@fr ;
rdfs:label "Polarizabilidad"@es ;
rdfs:label "Polarizovatelnost"@cs ;
rdfs:label "Polaryzowalność"@pl ;
rdfs:label "electric polarizability"@en ;
rdfs:label "elektrische Polarisierbarkeit"@de ;
rdfs:label "polarizabilidade"@pt ;
rdfs:label "polarizzabilità elettrica"@it ;
rdfs:label "Поляризуемость"@ru ;
rdfs:label "قابلية استقطاب"@ar ;
rdfs:label "قطبیت پذیری الکتریکی"@fa ;
rdfs:label "分極率"@ja ;
rdfs:label "極化性"@zh ;
{"resource":"electric polarizability"
,"properties":["applicable unit":"unit:J-PER-MOL"
,"comment":"Applicable units are those of quantitykind:ElectricPolarizability"
,"description":"\"Electric Polarizability\" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole."
,"description (plain text)":"\"Electric Polarizability\" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole."
,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A-1E0L2I0M1H0T-2D0"
,"informative reference":"http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Polarizability"
,"label":"Kepengkutuban elektrik"
,"label":"electric polarizability"
,"label":"elektrische Polarisierbarkeit"
,"label":"polarizzabilità elettrica"
,"label":"قابلية استقطاب"
,"label":"قطبیت پذیری الکتریکی"
,"latex definition":"$\\alpha_{i,j} = \\frac{\\partial p_i}{\\partial E_j}$, where $p_i$ is the cartesian component along the $i-axis$ of the electric dipole moment induced by the applied electric field strength acting on the molecule, and $E_j$ is the component along the $j-axis$ of this electric field strength."
,"latex symbol":"$\\alpha$"
,"normative reference (ISO)":"http:\/\/www.iso.org\/iso\/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31894"
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/ElectricPolarizability",
"@type" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/QuantityKind",
"description" : "\"Electric Polarizability\" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole.",
"applicableUnit" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/J-PER-MOL",
"hasDimensionVector" : "http://qudt.org/vocab/dimensionvector/A-1E0L2I0M1H0T-2D0",
"informativeReference" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarizability",
"isoNormativeReference" : "http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31894",
"latexDefinition" : "$\\alpha_{i,j} = \\frac{\\partial p_i}{\\partial E_j}$, where $p_i$ is the cartesian component along the $i-axis$ of the electric dipole moment induced by the applied electric field strength acting on the molecule, and $E_j$ is the component along the $j-axis$ of this electric field strength.",
"latexSymbol" : "$\\alpha$",
"plainTextDescription" : "\"Electric Polarizability\" is the relative tendency of a charge distribution, like the electron cloud of an atom or molecule, to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field, which is applied typically by inserting the molecule in a charged parallel-plate capacitor, but may also be caused by the presence of a nearby ion or dipole.",
"comment" : "Applicable units are those of quantitykind:ElectricPolarizability",
"isDefinedBy" : "http://qudt.org/3.0.0/vocab/quantitykind",
"label" : [ {
"@language" : "ms",
"@value" : "Kepengkutuban elektrik"
}, {
"@language" : "de",
"@value" : "elektrische Polarisierbarkeit"
}, {
"@language" : "es",
"@value" : "Polarizabilidad"
}, {
"@language" : "fa",
"@value" : "قطبیت پذیری الکتریکی"
}, {
"@language" : "en",
"@value" : "electric polarizability"
}, {
"@language" : "ja",
"@value" : "分極率"
}, {
"@language" : "tr",
"@value" : "Kutuplanabilirlik"
}, {
"@language" : "pl",
"@value" : "Polaryzowalność"
}, {
"@language" : "fr",
"@value" : "Polarisabilité"
}, {
"@language" : "pt",
"@value" : "polarizabilidade"
}, {
"@language" : "zh",
"@value" : "極化性"
}, {
"@language" : "it",
"@value" : "polarizzabilità elettrica"
}, {
"@language" : "cs",
"@value" : "Polarizovatelnost"
}, {
"@language" : "ru",
"@value" : "Поляризуемость"
}, {
"@language" : "ar",
"@value" : "قابلية استقطاب"
} ],
"@context" : {
"hasDimensionVector" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/hasDimensionVector",
"@type" : "@id"
"label" : {
"@id" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label"
"latexSymbol" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/latexSymbol",
"@type" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString"
"description" : {
"@id" : "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description",
"@type" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString"
"latexDefinition" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/latexDefinition",
"@type" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/LatexString"
"applicableUnit" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/applicableUnit",
"@type" : "@id"
"informativeReference" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/informativeReference",
"@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"
"comment" : {
"@id" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment"
"plainTextDescription" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/plainTextDescription"
"isoNormativeReference" : {
"@id" : "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/isoNormativeReference",
"@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"
"isDefinedBy" : {
"@id" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#isDefinedBy",
"@type" : "@id"
"rdf" : "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
"owl" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#",
"xsd" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
"rdfs" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"