View as:
xmlns:xsd="" >
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
<j.0:informativeReference rdf:datatype=""></j.0:informativeReference>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Generalized Force</rdfs:label>
<j.1:description rdf:datatype="">Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum.</j.1:description>
<j.0:applicableUnit rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:comment>Applicable units are those of quantitykind:GeneralizedMomentum</rdfs:comment>
<j.0:plainTextDescription>Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum.</j.0:plainTextDescription>
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<j.0:hasDimensionVector rdf:resource=""/>
<j.0:isoNormativeReference rdf:datatype=""></j.0:isoNormativeReference>
<j.0:latexDefinition rdf:datatype="">$p_i = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_i}}$, where $L$ is the Langrange function and $\dot{q_i}$ is a generalized velocity.</j.0:latexDefinition>
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
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rdf:type <> ;
<> "Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum."^^<> ;
<> <> ;
<> <> ;
<> ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
<> ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
<> "$p_i = \\frac{\\partial L}{\\partial \\dot{q_i}}$, where $L$ is the Langrange function and $\\dot{q_i}$ is a generalized velocity."^^<> ;
<> "Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum." ;
<> "p_i" ;
rdfs:comment "Applicable units are those of quantitykind:GeneralizedMomentum" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
rdfs:label "Generalized Force"@en ;
{"resource":"Generalized Force"
,"properties":["applicable unit":"unit:UNITLESS"
,"comment":"Applicable units are those of quantitykind:GeneralizedMomentum"
,"description":"Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum."
,"description (plain text)":"Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum."
,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L0I0M0H0T0D1"
,"informative reference":"http:\/\/\/wiki\/Momentum"
,"label":"Generalized Force"
,"latex definition":"$p_i = \\frac{\\partial L}{\\partial \\dot{q_i}}$, where $L$ is the Langrange function and $\\dot{q_i}$ is a generalized velocity."
,"normative reference (ISO)":"http:\/\/\/iso\/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31889"
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "",
"description" : "Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum.",
"applicableUnit" : "",
"hasDimensionVector" : "",
"informativeReference" : "",
"isoNormativeReference" : "",
"latexDefinition" : "$p_i = \\frac{\\partial L}{\\partial \\dot{q_i}}$, where $L$ is the Langrange function and $\\dot{q_i}$ is a generalized velocity.",
"plainTextDescription" : "Generalized Momentum, also known as the canonical or conjugate momentum, extends the concepts of both linear momentum and angular momentum. To distinguish it from generalized momentum, the product of mass and velocity is also referred to as mechanical, kinetic or kinematic momentum.",
"symbol" : "p_i",
"comment" : "Applicable units are those of quantitykind:GeneralizedMomentum",
"isDefinedBy" : "",
"label" : {
"@language" : "en",
"@value" : "Generalized Force"
"@context" : {
"isDefinedBy" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "@id"
"informativeReference" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : ""
"label" : {
"@id" : ""
"description" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : ""
"symbol" : {
"@id" : ""
"applicableUnit" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "@id"
"comment" : {
"@id" : ""
"plainTextDescription" : {
"@id" : ""
"hasDimensionVector" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "@id"
"isoNormativeReference" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : ""
"latexDefinition" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type" : ""
"rdf" : "",
"owl" : "",
"xsd" : "",
"rdfs" : ""