
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/SecondRadiationConstant


constant in Planck's radiation law on the dependence of the spectral density of various radiation variables on the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation and the absolute temperature of the black radiator, derived from the product of Planck's quantum of action times the velocity of light in relation to Boltzmann's constant

Konstante im Planckschen Strahlungsgesetz über die Abhängigkeit der spektralen Dichte verschiedener Strahlungsgrößen von der Wellenlänge der elektromagnetischen Strahlung und der absoluten Temperatur beim schwarzen Strahler, welche sich zusammensetzt aus dem Produkt Plancksches Wirkungsquantum mal Lichtgeschwindigkeit bezogen auf die Boltzmann-Konstante(de)
constant in Planck's radiation law on the dependence of the spectral density of various radiation variables on the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation and the absolute temperature of the black radiator, derived from the product of Planck's quantum of action times the velocity of light in relation to Boltzmann's constant(en)
second radiation constant(en-US)
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Work in progress

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    <j.1:description xml:lang="en">constant in Planck's radiation law on the dependence of the spectral density of various radiation variables on the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation and the absolute temperature of the black radiator, derived from the product of Planck's quantum of action times the velocity of light in relation to Boltzmann's constant</j.1:description>
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{"resource":"second radiation constant" 
 ,"properties":["description":"constant in Planck's radiation law on the dependence of the spectral density of various radiation variables on the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation and the absolute temperature of the black radiator, derived from the product of Planck's quantum of action times the velocity of light in relation to Boltzmann's constant" 
    ,"description (plain text)":"Konstante im Planckschen Strahlungsgesetz &uuml;ber die Abh&auml;ngigkeit der spektralen Dichte verschiedener Strahlungsgr&ouml;&szlig;en von der Wellenl&auml;nge der elektromagnetischen Strahlung und der absoluten Temperatur beim schwarzen Strahler, welche sich zusammensetzt aus dem Produkt Plancksches Wirkungsquantum mal Lichtgeschwindigkeit bezogen auf die Boltzmann-Konstante" 
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