
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/FT3-PER-MIN-FT2


unit of the volume flow rate according to the Anglio-American and imperial system of units cubic foot per minute related to the transfer area according to the Anglian American and Imperial system of units square foot

unit of the volume flow rate according to the Anglio-American and imperial system of units cubic foot per minute related to the transfer area according to the Anglian American and Imperial system of units square foot
unit of the volume flow rate according to the Anglio-American and imperial system of units cubic foot per minute related to the transfer area according to the Anglian American and Imperial system of units square foot
Cubic Foot Per Minute Square Foot(en)
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Work in progress

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    ,"description":"unit of the volume flow rate according to the Anglio-American and imperial system of units cubic foot per minute related to the transfer area according to the Anglian American and Imperial system of units square foot" 
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