product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2
product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2
product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2
xmlns:xsd="" >
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
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<j.1:description rdf:datatype="">product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2</j.1:description>
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<j.0:conversionMultiplier rdf:datatype="">0.04214011</j.0:conversionMultiplier>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot</rdfs:label>
<j.0:informativeReference rdf:datatype=""></j.0:informativeReference>
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<j.0:ucumCode rdf:datatype="">[lb_av].[sft_i]</j.0:ucumCode>
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<j.0:plainTextDescription>product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2</j.0:plainTextDescription>
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
rdf:type <> ;
<> "product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2"^^rdf:HTML ;
<> <> ;
<> <> ;
<> 0.04214011 ;
<> 4.214011E-2 ;
<> <> ;
<> <> ;
<> <> ;
<> "0112/2///62720#UAA671" ;
<> ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
<> "product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2" ;
<> "lbm·ft²" ;
<> "[lb_av].[sft_i]"^^<> ;
<> "K65" ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
rdfs:label "Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot"@en ;
{"resource":"Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot"
,"properties":["applicable system":"sou:IMPERIAL"
,"applicable system":"sou:USCS"
,"conversion multiplier":"0.04214011"
,"conversion multiplier scientific":"4.214011E-2"
,"description":"product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2"
,"description (plain text)":"product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2"
,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L2I0M1H0T0D0"
,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:MomentOfInertia"
,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:RotationalMass"
,"iec-61360 code":"0112\/2\/\/\/62720#UAA671"
,"informative reference":"https:\/\/\/cdd\/iec62720\/iec62720.nsf\/Units\/0112-2---62720%23UAA671"
,"label":"Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot"
,"ucum code":"[lb_av].[sft_i]"
,"unece common code":"K65"