
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/MI_US2


The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to the number of miles on each side squared. For instance, 20 miles square (20 × 20 miles) is equal to 400 square miles. One square mile is equivalent to: 4,014,489,600 square inches 27,878,400 square feet, 3,097,600 square yards, 640 acres, 258.9988110336 hectares, 2560 roods, 25,899,881,103.36 square centimetres, 2,589,988.110336 square metres, 2.589988110336 square kilometres When applied to a portion of the earth's surface, which is curved rather than flat, 'square mile' is an informal synonym for section.

mi² {US}
The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to the number of miles on each side squared. For instance, 20 miles square (20 × 20 miles) is equal to 400 square miles. One square mile is equivalent to: 4,014,489,600 square inches 27,878,400 square feet, 3,097,600 square yards, 640 acres, 258.9988110336 hectares, 2560 roods, 25,899,881,103.36 square centimetres, 2,589,988.110336 square metres, 2.589988110336 square kilometres When applied to a portion of the earth's surface, which is curved rather than flat, 'square mile' is an informal synonym for section.
Square Mile US Statute(en)
square mile (based on U.S. survey foot)
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    <j.1:description rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#HTML">The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to the number of miles on each side squared. For instance, 20 miles square (20 × 20 miles) is equal to 400 square miles. One square mile is equivalent to: 4,014,489,600 square inches 27,878,400 square feet, 3,097,600 square yards, 640 acres, 258.9988110336 hectares, 2560 roods, 25,899,881,103.36 square centimetres, 2,589,988.110336 square metres, 2.589988110336 square kilometres When applied to a portion of the earth's surface, which is curved rather than flat, 'square mile' is an informal synonym for section.</j.1:description>
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{"resource":"Square Mile US Statute" 
 ,"properties":["conversion multiplier":"2589997.766409" 
    ,"conversion multiplier scientific":"2.589997766409E6" 
    ,"defined unit of system":"sou:IMPERIAL" 
    ,"defined unit of system":"sou:USCS" 
    ,"description":"The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to the number of miles on each side squared. For instance, 20 miles square (20 &times; 20 miles) is equal to 400 square miles. One square mile is equivalent to: 4,014,489,600 square inches 27,878,400 square feet, 3,097,600 square yards, 640 acres, 258.9988110336 hectares, 2560 roods, 25,899,881,103.36 square centimetres, 2,589,988.110336 square metres, 2.589988110336 square kilometres When applied to a portion of the earth's surface, which is curved rather than flat, 'square mile' is an informal synonym for section." 
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  "description" : "The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to the number of miles on each side squared. For instance, 20 miles square (20 × 20 miles) is equal to 400 square miles. One square mile is equivalent to: 4,014,489,600 square inches 27,878,400 square feet, 3,097,600 square yards, 640 acres, 258.9988110336 hectares, 2560 roods, 25,899,881,103.36 square centimetres, 2,589,988.110336 square metres, 2.589988110336 square kilometres When applied to a portion of the earth's surface, which is curved rather than flat, 'square mile' is an informal synonym for section.",
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