
URI: http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/W


The SI unit of power. Power is the rate at which work is done, or (equivalently) the rate at which energy is expended. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. This unit is used both in mechanics and in electricity, so it links the mechanical and electrical units to one another. In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf/s). In electrical terms, one watt is the power produced by a current of one ampere flowing through an electric potential of one volt. The name of the unit honors James Watt (1736-1819), the British engineer whose improvements to the steam engine are often credited with igniting the Industrial Revolution.

$\textit{W}\ \equiv\ \text{watt}\ \equiv\ \frac{\text{J}}{\text{s}}\ \equiv\ \frac{\text{joule}}{\text{second}}\ \equiv\ \frac{\text{N.m}}{\text{s}}\ \equiv\ \frac{\text{newton.metre}}{\text{second}}\ \equiv\ \text{V.A}\ \equiv\ \text{volt.amp}\ \equiv\ \Omega\text{.A}^{2}\ \equiv\ \text{ohm.amp}^{2}$
The SI unit of power. Power is the rate at which work is done, or (equivalently) the rate at which energy is expended. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. This unit is used both in mechanics and in electricity, so it links the mechanical and electrical units to one another. In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf/s). In electrical terms, one watt is the power produced by a current of one ampere flowing through an electric potential of one volt. The name of the unit honors James Watt (1736-1819), the British engineer whose improvements to the steam engine are often credited with igniting the Industrial Revolution.
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  <http://purl.org/dc/terms/description> "The SI unit of power. Power is the rate at which work is done, or (equivalently) the rate at which energy is expended. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. This unit is used both in mechanics and in electricity, so it links the mechanical and electrical units to one another. In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf/s). In electrical terms, one watt is the power produced by a current of one ampere flowing through an electric potential of one volt. The name of the unit honors James Watt (1736-1819), the British engineer whose improvements to the steam engine are often credited with igniting the Industrial Revolution."^^rdf:HTML ;
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    ,"applicable system":"sou:CGS" 
    ,"applicable system":"sou:CGS-EMU" 
    ,"applicable system":"sou:CGS-GAUSS" 
    ,"applicable system":"sou:PLANCK" 
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    ,"conversion multiplier scientific":"1.0E0" 
    ,"dbpedia match":"http:\/\/dbpedia.org\/resource\/Watt" 
    ,"defined unit of system":"sou:SI" 
    ,"description":"The SI unit of power. Power is the rate at which work is done, or (equivalently) the rate at which energy is expended. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. This unit is used both in mechanics and in electricity, so it links the mechanical and electrical units to one another. In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf\/s). In electrical terms, one watt is the power produced by a current of one ampere flowing through an electric potential of one volt. The name of the unit honors James Watt (1736-1819), the British engineer whose improvements to the steam engine are often credited with igniting the Industrial Revolution." 
    ,"has dimension vector":"dimension:A0E0L2I0M1H0T-3D0" 
    ,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:ActivePower" 
    ,"has quantity kind":"quantitykind:Power" 
    ,"iec-61360 code":"0112\/2\/\/\/62720#UAA306" 
    ,"informative reference":"http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Watt?oldid=494906356" 
    ,"informative reference":"https:\/\/cdd.iec.ch\/cdd\/iec62720\/iec62720.nsf\/Units\/0112-2---62720%23UAA306" 
    ,"is coherent derived unit of system":"sou:SI" 
    ,"latex definition":"$\\textit{W}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{watt}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{J}}{\\text{s}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{joule}}{\\text{second}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{N.m}}{\\text{s}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{newton.metre}}{\\text{second}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{V.A}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{volt.amp}\\ \\equiv\\ \\Omega\\text{.A}^{2}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{ohm.amp}^{2}$" 
    ,"om unit":"&lt;http:\/\/www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org\/resource\/om-2\/watt&gt;" 
    ,"ucum code":"W" 
    ,"udunits code":"W" 
    ,"unece common code":"WTT" 
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  "description" : "The SI unit of power. Power is the rate at which work is done, or (equivalently) the rate at which energy is expended. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. This unit is used both in mechanics and in electricity, so it links the mechanical and electrical units to one another. In mechanical terms, one watt equals about 0.001 341 02 horsepower (hp) or 0.737 562 foot-pound per second (lbf/s). In electrical terms, one watt is the power produced by a current of one ampere flowing through an electric potential of one volt. The name of the unit honors James Watt (1736-1819), the British engineer whose improvements to the steam engine are often credited with igniting the Industrial Revolution.",
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  "latexDefinition" : "$\\textit{W}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{watt}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{J}}{\\text{s}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{joule}}{\\text{second}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{N.m}}{\\text{s}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\frac{\\text{newton.metre}}{\\text{second}}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{V.A}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{volt.amp}\\ \\equiv\\ \\Omega\\text{.A}^{2}\\ \\equiv\\ \\text{ohm.amp}^{2}$",
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